GER-APP – IO4 How to get results?

Learning/teaching/training material – Toolkit

Mátrai Welding Ltd. in cooperation with Croatian, Slovenian and Italian partners from 3 countries participates in the Erasmus+ project KA2 Partnership project Lifelong learning of seniors (Project No 2020-1-HR01-KA204-077766)

– In this intellectual result, the partners will prepare a set of educational resources to support the implementation of this workshop or a new didactic model.
– Materials sorted in the Collection „How to get results?” are a package of tools that can be immediately applied in practice.
– The Collection will include essays, case studies, exercises, videos, and other tools created by project partners.
– This tool will include not only pedagogical resources, but also practical resources with an emphasis on the development of specific key competencies that older people need for their self-realization and much-needed activity.
– Provides training programs and guidelines with content aimed at trainers and teachers.
– Pland to be used as a standalone tool range of educational resources related to each CU
– The target groups for this intellectual result are the overall population of the elderly, adult education institutions, competent state bodies and interested public institutions, and civil society organizations.
– The collection, its content and its purpose are completely innovative and represent a new tool with the possibility of wide application from adult education institutions, other public institutions dealing with the elderly to individuals of any age who can serve as a good read and guide for future action.

Benus Ferenc
Managing Director
Matrai Welding Ltd.